1 January 2025 - Two years ago TNI low-key celebrated its 2⁵th (i.e. 32nd) anniversary, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of MSX. The previous anniversary we celebrated was our 25th and we were so busy developing MSX stuff that we completely forgot about the 30th! As part of our 2⁵th anniversary, we changed the way we distribute our software to a subscription model on Buy Me A Coffee. As an "MSX Enthusiast" member, you'll be eligible to receive software releases such as tniASM and MS². The "MSX Supporter" tier supports our general MSX work, allowing us to help other MSX users and developers, as we are known to do, and operate our MSX websites. It's also possible to buy us individual coffees!
This year also marks the anniversary of the TNI logo that has served us for 30 years. Although we are fond of that logo, which was inspired by the MSX logo and our fiery enthusiasm, we also think that it's time to lay new foundations for the future of TNI and MSX. Therefore we present to you our new logo:
You might notice this logo is based on capital letters again. Thirty years ago we were basically the first to use lower case letters in our logo, but eventually that became trendy and we like to stay ahead of the curve! This logo, reminiscent of tangram and the art of empty space, will serve us well in the Year of the Snake.